Custom Education boards – Prop Frogs V1.0

Custom Education boards – Prop Frogs V1.0
Custom education boards for the frogs in Nicholaslionrider’s exhibit animal prop pack. (excl. Poison dart frogs)
Check out the amazing mod creators below!
These are 11 custom habitat education boards for all the frogs (excl. poison dart frogs, these can be found here) in NicholasLionrider’s Prop animal pack.
There are included:
African Bullfrog
Amazon milk frog
American bullfrog
Cane toad
Clown tree frog
Goliath frog
Malagasy rainbow frog
Panamanian golden frog
Red-eyed tree frog
Tiger striped tree frog
Tomato frog
I love this prop pack, since the exhibit animals in the game are kinda lacking,
but I could not for the life of me find education boards for them, so here we are.
Hope u enjoy these!
I will be making more packs in the future!
How to install:
Download the mod
Extract the zip file
Drag the contents (except for the README) to Documents/Frontier Developments/Planet Zoo/Usermedia
Open up your game and change the billboards or the education board picture to the matching species!
(I only have 5 expansion packs now, and I cannot afford to buy any at the moment, so any screenshots of the animals from the Southeast-Asia pack, Africa pack, and North-America pack would be greatly appreciated, so I can continue t make the pack even if I don’t have the DLC!)
You can request any modded animal for free on this post or any post I make. I will make one and send it to you separately if you immediately need it, or I will release it in a pack. I will not be uploading this one by one, I will try to make coherent packs.
Furthermore, I really hope you all enjoy these and definitely let me know if you like them and if you find any problems or mistakes!