New Species – Short-Tailed Weasel (Stoat) V1.8

New Species – Short-Tailed Weasel (Stoat) V1.8
Standing Tall and Stout, the Stoat is out now as a New Species!
Thank you for taking the time to check out my mods for Planet Zoo! To install, simply locate the “ovldata” folder within your installation of Planet Zoo, and drag-and-drop the files provided! Thank you ever so kindly for checking out this mod, and I hope you’ll soon check out my other ones to come! This mod features full Zoopedia information, pictures, and icons! If your language is not supported, we are always open to translators in the Planet Zoo Modding community.
Based off of the Giant Otter, utilizes those enrichment and habitat items.
This mod requires ACSE.