Iberian Lynx – New Species V1.8

Iberian Lynx – New Species V1.8
The Iberian lynx comes to Planet Zoo as a new species! A unique, endangered cat from Spain.
Brought to you by Narwhaler! Don’t forget to leave a comment and check my profile for more mods.
The Iberian lynx, otherwise known as Spanish lynx, is a unique species endemic to the Iberian Peninsula. It is one of the most iconic animals of Europe, and famous for its conservation history (and because it appeared in Zoo Tycoon 2), while it’s still an endangered species, this elegant wild feline is successfully recovering and currently numbers more than a thousand individuals!
Unique models for male and juvenile + albinos for the adults (large-spotted variant). Functional zoopedia, research and education (requires custom texture). Based on the Eurasian lynx, uses the same enrichment items.
French (thanks to Trigger)
Portuguese (thanks to Masora157)