Eurasian Lynx Remaster and New Variant (1.14) V1.1

Eurasian Lynx Remaster and New Variant (1.14) V1.1
Improves the look of the Eurasian Lynx and adds more variation.
This mod includes improvements for Male, Female, and Juvenile Eurasian Lynx, as well as adding a new variant that consists of a gray-brown coat with defined black spots (this variant also includes its own variation consisting of dark brown fur and grey fur with darker eye colors). Base texture has also been altered to make face markings more realistic and also spots are now more subtle. Model changes include slight adjustments on body proportions and a variety of tweaks on the face including more realistic eyes, cheekbones, and jaw shape, reducing the slightly oversized chin that the original has (textures on the mouth area have also been darkened to be more realistic). This mod requires ACSE to work, it includes UI.
It’s recommended to use the Planet Zoo Plus mod for a better experience.
To install this remaster, extract and place the folder in ovldata like a New Species mod, no file replacement needed! Requires ACSE.
Variant Translations:
English: GiornoPizza
Spanish: Gabboi
Portuguese: Masora157
Russian: Tanooki_Leaf
Swedish: Stalagmite
French: Gnath
Simplified Chinese: 黑太子