Book Skins for the Gift Shop Pack V1.8

Book Skins for the Gift Shop Pack V1.8
The zip file includes 26 book covers for you.
The zip file includes 26 books covers for you to put in your usermedia folder. These work with The Gift Shop Pack Mod. Some adult book covers need a tweak as not all the image shows on the front cover part of the mod.
Included are 14 Adults books and 12 Kids’ books. 6 of the kids book covers are dedicated to community members for all they have done for the planet zoo community. £ of the adult books are from the Leakey Women on their studies of the great apes (and my personal heroes).
Seven World, One Planet by John Keelingand Scott Alexander
The Secret Lives of Bats by MerlinTuttle
Pocket Birds of North America
The Genius of Birds by JenniferAckerman
Reflections of Eden by Birute Galdikas
Blue Planet II David Attenborough
Born Free by Joy Adamson
Endangered Animals
The Atlas of Endangered Species
In the shadow of Man by Jane Goodall
Life on Eart by David Attenborough
National Geographic Endangered Species
A Natural History of Colour by RobDeSalle
Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
Gorillas in the Mist by Dian Fossey
National Geographic Bears by ElizabethCarney
Beyond Chimps by Beyond Drew **
Doofus the Daft Pig by me!
National geographic Animal Encyclopedia
The Adventure of Rudi the Camel by RudiRennkamel **
King Flamingo by Leaf Productions **
Lion Rider by Nicholas Lionrider**
National geographic Lions by LauraMarsh
Gonna Build a Mountain by deLadysigner**
Perfect Penguin by Simply Savannah **
Fun Zoo theme-ing by S D Wold **