Aye-Aye – New Species V1.13

Aye-Aye – New Species V1.13
Maurice, is that you? Welcome the mysterious aye-aye to your zoos with this mod!
This mod adds the aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) to the game. This strange-looking lemur of nocturnal habits is characterized by its gremlin-like look and long fingers used to get grubs out of wood.
Unique models for males and juveniles.
Available research, zoopedia, and UI.
Functional education info board textures.
Based on the Black and White Ruffed Lemur. Uses its enrichment items.
Czech (thanks to Papyrus2305)
Portuguese (thanks to Masora157)
Simplified Chinese (thanks to Frank Zhou)
This mod requires ACSE to work. Make sure you have it installed beforehand!
To install this mod, extract the zip and place the extracted folder in the ovldata folder of the game.
IMPORTANT: Before reporting any crashes or issues, try redownloading the mod and make sure it is indeed this mod that is causing the issue and not something else. If you are definitely sure, then report the bug.
Enjoy the mod!