Yellow Spotted Amazon River Turtle V1.11

Yellow Spotted Amazon River Turtle V1.11
The Yellow-Spotted Amazon River Turtle.
For now, a texture replacement mod reskins the Diamondback Terrapin.
Looking to spice up a reptile house or aquarium? The Yellow-Spotted Amazon River Turtle is now available for your zoo!
Merely a texture replacement mod, for now, reskins the Diamondback Terrapin. But with some research, I will try to make this a new exhibit animal.
– Diamondback_Terrapin.ovl
– Diamondback_Terrapin.ovs
Back up your original Diamondback_Terrapin.ovl and .ovs file before replacing with this reskin.
SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Planet Zoo\win64\ovldata\Content4\Animals\Diamondback_Terrapin