Warrah or Falklands Wolf – New Species V1.8

Warrah or Falklands Wolf – New Species V1.8
Wharrah nice addition! The extinct Falklands wolf, an endemic island canid, comes to Planet Zoo!
The warrah or Falklands wolf/fox was a species of canid from the Falkland Islands in the Antarctic Ocean that disappeared in the 19th century after being eradicated by British settlers. This animal represented a unique and rare example of insular endemism in canids, which are rarely found in island environments.
Unique models for adult and juvenile + albino variants, the coat variations of the warrah are based on the historic records, which state that eastern populations were redder, while western ones were rather bay or pale brown. Functional zoopedia, UI and education info board. Based on the Arctic fox, uses its enrichment items.
Portuguese (thanks to Masora157)
French (thanks to Trigger)