Timber Wolf Remaster – Tosca Edition V1.0

Timber Wolf Remaster – Tosca Edition V1.0
This mod is a variation/overhaul mod of Gabboi’s original Timber Wolf Remaster.
This mod is a sort of addon/overhaul mod of Gabboi’s wolf remaster, further adjusting the mesh, adding a new variant to the xanthic slot, adding piebald for small white markings, adding more realistic predation behavior (won’t hunt unless hungry, prioritizes eating over hunting), increases max pack size, etc.
What’s New:
– Adjusted mesh for adult and juvenile models, making them a bit slimmer, with more defined cheek fluff and a bit more anatomically accurate to what you’d see from wolves in, say, Yellowstone National Park, with a more ‘summer coat’ appearance.
– Added a new coat variant for the xanthic slot, so now these guys use every single variant slot available. The xanthic coat also has a wide FGM value range, so comes in many different colors such as a more striking reddish brown or brownish-grey, etc.
– Added piebald system for small white markings, such as chest spots, paws/toes, etc. These markings are very subtle on some variants, and striking on others(particularly dark coated variants.)
– Adjusted some FDB values for more realistic predator behavior, larger maximum pack sizes, etc.
First, you will need the original mod files from Gabboi’s mod, linked above. Follow the installation instructions there, and then once you add that mod to your game, drag/drop the contents of this mod’s zip folder into the Remaster_Gray_Wolf folder in ovldata. Overwrite what it asks you to.