Siamese Giant Carp – New Species – Asian Fish Pack Vol. 4 V1.10

Siamese Giant Carp – New Species – Asian Fish Pack Vol. 4 V1.10
Add the largest carp in the world to your zoos or aquariums! The fourth entry in the Asian Fish Pack!
This mod features awesome swimming by Buffzoo, full zoopedia information, and a custom visitor info sign. Check it out!
extract the .zip file into the “ovldata” folder of your Planet Zoo installation. Do not change the mod folder name, this will cause it to crash!
(\steamapps\common\Planet Zoo\win64\ovldata)
This animal is based off of the Dwarf Caiman, and will use that species’ enrichment and food items.
This mod requires ACSE and More Animal Name Languages.
This mod is part of the Asian Fish Pack!