Poison Dart Frog Pack 1

Poison Dart Frog Pack 1
Includes 5 new highly detailed poison frogs that overwrite your choice of gold or Lehmann’s poison frog.
Lehmann’s poison frog or the red-banded poison frog (Oophaga lehmanni) is a member of the Dendrobatidae family. Dendrobatidae once included all poison frogs (~200 species), but was later split into 16 genera including Oophaga (9 species, Central and South America) and Phyllobates (6 species, Central and South America, Ncaragua to Colombia) represented in Planet Zoo.
The brightly colored blanket labeled “poison dart frogs” are often under the genus Dendrobates with a whopping 170-190 species!
So many people have asked for a “poison dart frog” recolor. Your idea of one and mine are probably going to be different! So to clarify I chose to include:
Dendrobates tinctorius (which has a great number of morphs- sorry frog keepers, I only picked the following)
Brazilian Yellow Head
Navigate to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Planet Zoo\win64\ovldata\Content0\Animals\Frogs
Backup your frog files.
Download the files here. Overwrite the Lehmann’s poison frog and/or Golden poison frogs. Sadly, you can only have one version of my modded files (one of the five colors) per species- so only two new frogs can be in your zoo at a time.
Swapping frog colors will NOT affect your saves or crash your game. You can swap colors as many times as you want and your game stats won’t change. 🙂 It’s purely cosmetic.