Pied Peafowl

Pied Peafowl
A whole family of pied peafowls can now come roost at your zoo! Includes male, female, juvenile, and you can choose to replace either albinos or non albinos- or mix and match between the genders.
This mod gives a carefully hand painted realistic reskin to your choice of either:
Males – Non Albino or Albino
Females – Non Albino or Albino
Chicks- non Albino or Albino
If you only want to replace albinos, only download the “Pied Peafowl Albino Replacer” file.
If you only want to replace non albino animals, only download the “Pied Peafowl Regular Replacer” file.
If you want to mix and match (e.g. replace albino males with pied, and regular females with pied, and you don’t want the juivinile at all..) download both!
Navigate to this directory on your computer:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Planet Zoo\win64\ovldata\Content0\Animals\Birds\Indian_Peafowl
Make a backup of all three files (Indian_Peafowl_Female), male, juvenile and keep them somewhere safe in the event you ever want to be boring again.
Download and unzip the file you download from the Nexus. In the Albino Replacer unzipped folder, drag out and overwrite which of the three you wish to replace an albino with a pied with. (All in game albinos of your chosen gender will instead show pied.)
If you wish to replace regular animals with pied, repeat the process but use the contents from the Regular Replacer folder instead.
You can mix and match or only pick one- like if you only want to replace the albino male, that’s fine. 🙂
Icons will not be affected.