Japanese Serow – New Species V1.8
Japanese Serow – New Species V1.8
The Japanese serow arrives to Planet Zoo! Directly from the Land of the Rising Sun!
Brought to you by Narwhaler! Don’t forget to leave a comment and check my profile for more mods 🙂
The Japanese serow is a species of goat antelope from the genus Capricornis, with other species living in Taiwan and Sumatra. The Japanese serow is a small sized herbivore that lives in dense mountain forests, characterized by its fluffy coat and its short horns, it is known for its ability traversing steep terrain with great agility.
Unique models for adults and juveniles. Functional zoopedia, research and education (requires custom texture). Based on the Dall sheep, uses the same enrichment items.
French (thanks to Trigger)
Portuguese (thanks to Masora157)