Fishing Cat – New Species V1.10

Fishing Cat – New Species V1.10
Fish mods fear this animal! The fishing cat from the Asian wetlands comes to Planet Zoo as new species!
Don’t forget to visit my profile for more animal mods and leave a comment if you liked it
The fishing cat is truly a unique feline, as it specializes in catching fish and loves water!
Huge thanks to Pebble for commissioning this mod, it was truly a delight, I will try to update it in the future to add an albino variant.
This mod adds the fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) to the game. A mid-sized cat from Asia that specializes in catching fish, it loves swimming so much it even has webbed feet!
Unique models for adults and juveniles.
Functional research, zoopedia, and UI.
Functional education info board textures.
Based on the Clouded Leopard. Uses its enrichment items. Does not require the Southeast Asia Animal Pack to work.
French (thanks to Trigger)
Portuguese (thanks to Masora157)
This mod requires ACSE to work. Make sure you have it installed beforehand!
To install this mod, simply extract the zip and place the extracted folder in the ovldata folder of the game.
IMPORTANT: Before reporting any crashes or issues, try redownloading the mod and make sure it is indeed this mod that is causing the issue and not something else. If you are definitely sure, then report the bug.
Enjoy the mod. Cheers!