Localization Fix (Animal Rename) Mod V1.9

Localization Fix (Animal Rename) Mod V1.9
This mod renames and improves the animal names and descriptions in Spanish, English, Polish and Swedish!
By dropping this folder in ovldata, animals will automatically get renamed, this change stays even after updates so you don’t have to update it once it’s installed.
Currently, this mod affects the Localization in the following languages:
Spanish (Spain) – by Narwhaler
Spanish (Latin America) – by Narwhaler and Gabboi
English (US and UK) – by GiornoPizza
Polish – by Darek
Swedish – by Stalagmite
We are looking forward to applying fixes to more languages in the future.
This mod requires ACSE to work. Make sure you have it installed beforehand!
To install this mod, simply extract the zip and place the extracted folder in the ovldata folder of the game. Unlike other mods, these remasters don’t require replacing the original files to work and will apply by just placing it in the ovldata folder!
IMPORTANT: Before reporting any crashes or issues, try redownloading the mod and make sure it is indeed this mod that is causing the issue and not something else. If you are definitely sure, then report the bug.
Enjoy the mod!